“Joy comes when I paint, when I draw, and when I help others to nurture their own creative abilities.”

The daughter and sister of artists, Jan Milz Hampton grew up surrounded by artwork and creativity. She gained additional art education at the University of Texas, Austin, and the Harris School of Art, Nashville, TN, in the 1970s. During her first marriage, Jan M. Waide worked as an illustrator for publishing houses in Nashville, wrote and illustrated children’s books, and painted watercolor portraits of houses and pets. Like her mother, Jan developed a love for watercolor through studying with world-class watercolorists during the 1970s and 1980s, although she also continued to paint in acrylics and in oils. After remarrying and while raising two children, Jan M. Hampton taught art in K-12 schools in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. She credits this teaching experience with igniting her interest in art as therapy, which became her focus in 2014.